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Il match del secolo: Boris Spassky vs Bobby Fischer |
Per chi conosce l'argomento, questo articolo, completo, dal titolo al commento, dice tutto, fin troppo, incredibile, per questo l'ho inserito interamente,....
Bobby Fischer |
E' fuori discussione che la madre di Bobby fosse ebrea; Fischer lo ha confermato in una intervista nel 1962 con la rivista Harper. Ciò nonostante, è stato fermo nel sostenere che non era ebreo, anche per iscritto alla Encyclopedia Judaica (1984) per chiedere di rimuovere la sua biografia perché, tra le altre cose, non è mai stato circonciso:
"Suggerisco piuttosto che in modo fraudolento travisate me ad essere un Ebreo ... si cerca di promuovere la vostra religione per i propri meriti, se davvero ne ha qualcuno".Documenti pubblicati di recente mostrano che non solo era la madre di Fisher era ebrea, ma che anche suo padre biologico probabilmente era così - anche se suo padre si era pensato poter essere Gerhardt Fischer, un tedesco non ebreo che potrebbe aver aiutato nello sforzo bellico nazista, documenti dell'FBI suggeriscono fortemente che il padre biologico di Bobby fosse il fisico ungherese ebreo Paul Nemenyi, che ha contribuito al Progetto Manhattan.
Un negazionista veemente che ha sostenuto che "parassiti ebrei" hanno inventato il "mito dell'Olocausto", Fisher ha iniziato la sua campagna pubblica contro il giudaismo e il sionismo nel 1980, quando ha iniziato a distribuire opuscoli revisionisti dell'"Institute for Historical Review" di fronte alla Biblioteca Pubblica di Los Angeles. Ha studiato i classici antisemiti come il Mein Kampf e i Protocolli dei Savi Anziani di Sion, e divenne ossessionato con la storia tedesca e il Terzo Reich. Ha raccolto cimeli nazisti, e una voce popolare dice che dormisse ogni notte con una foto di Hitler appesa sopra il suo letto.
Invettive antisemite di Fischer sembravano servire come il pilastro fondamentale della sua visione del mondo. Ha sviluppato un racconto semplice di una cospirazione mondiale ebraica, e ha usato quasi tutte le domande delle interviste per lanciarsi in un'altra diatriba circa il complotto ebraico globale rivolto contro di lui e la necessità di sterminare tutti gli ebrei. Secondo Fischer :
"Gli ebrei sono un popolo "sporco, menzognero, bastardo" deciso a dominare il mondo che impiegano l'assassinio di massa di bambini cristiani, "il loro sangue viene utilizzato per le cerimonie di magia nera", e gli Stati Uniti sono "una farsa controllata da sporchi, nasi adunchi, circoncisi Ebrei".[imprecazione]Ma la sua peggior esplosione potrebbe essere stata durante un'intervista poche ore dopo l'attacco 9/11:
"Tutto questo è una notizia meravigliosa. Plaudo l'atto. Gli Stati Uniti e Israele hanno fatto la Macellazione dei palestinesi per anni. Ora sta tornando negli Stati Uniti. "Prima di concludersi con la "Morte dell'America"
ha espresso la sua speranza che tutte le sinagoghe americane sarebbero state chiuse e centinaia di migliaia di ebrei sarebbero stati giustiziati.
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La copertina commemorativa del 1972 in Islanda , del famoso campionato mondiale, la partita Spassky-Fischer, firmata da entrambi. |
Boris Spasskij |
Nato da una madre ebrea e quindi ebreo, Boris Spassky era amico degli ebrei. Era fra i 5.000 russi che hanno firmato una petizione al procuratore in Russia per vietare diverse organizzazioni ebraiche, in particolare tutti i gruppi religiosi e nazionali che agiscono sui principi del Shulchan Aruch, che "fomenta l'odio religioso". Sostenuto con le citazioni dal 19° secolo di letteratura antisemita, la petizione ha bollato il giudaismo come satanico, anticristiano, e disumano; ha accusato gli ebrei di "aver commesso omicidi rituali"; ed ha avvertito di "una campagna nascosta di genocidio contro il popolo russo, la loro società e dei valori tradizionali". Il ministro degli Esteri israeliano Silvan Shalom ha sollevato la questione della petizione quando ha incontrato con il presidente russo Putin maggio 2005, e il governo russo alla fine l'ha condannata.
Dopo aver affrontato le critiche severe da figure del mondo degli scacchi e leader religiosi, Spassky - anche se non ha mai negato la firma della lettera - ha cercato di prendere le distanze dalla campagna esprimendo che era una banalità senza senso e di continuare a "rafforzare e unire il regno multinazionale degli scacchi". Evgeny Gik, un maestro di scacchi russo e scrittore che ha condannato pubblicamente la petizione in un giornale russo, ha dichiarato che Spassky, l'ospite d'onore a una cena, una volta osservò che

Chi l'Autore: Saul Jay Singer, studioso di etica legale riconosciuto a livello nazionale, serve come Senior Counsel etica legale con il Distretto di Columbia Bar. E 'un collezionista di documenti straordinari Judaica originali e lettere, e la sua colonna compare in The Jewish Press ogni due settimane. Singer accoglie commenti a saul.singer@verizon.net.
"Tutto è bene in Russia, ma non so come il popolo russo possa aver permesso tante persone dal grande naso nel governo".Secondo il racconto di Gik, numerosi grandi maestri hanno lasciato il tavolo in segno di protesta.

Se si promuove qualche religione straniera, dei o messia, bugie su Israele, l'antisemitismo, o difensori di violenza (tranne contro i terroristi), il permesso di commento può essere revocato.
Una risposta a "Fischer e Spassky: Due Infami ebrei antisemiti"
Mitchell Wachtel afferma:
27 dicembre 2014 alle 01:57.
Antisemitismo, l'incitamento razziale La deificazione della razza. Una disputa interna ebraica. Antisemitismus, Rassenhetze, Rassenvergottung. Eine innerjüdische Auseinandersetzung
Sì, noi ebrei comandiamo Hollywood ed anche i media, Wall Street ed il governo! - Who runs Hollywood ? C'mon
Displayed above is a 1972 Iceland commemorative cover of the famous Spassky-Fischer championship match, signed by both men.
Mitchell Wachtel afferma:
27 dicembre 2014 alle 01:57.
Affascinante. Forse ebrei persecutori di ebrei sono più severi perché hanno bisogno di prendere le distanze da se stessi ebrei, che è impossibile, perché sono ebrei. Quindi, ogni specchio serve per ricordare loro la minaccia ebraica! Questo è vero anche di Gilad Atzmon, se ci pensate.
Fonte The Yewish Press.com
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Fonte The Yewish Press.com
Traduzione Arturo Navone per UnMondo Impossibile …
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Articoli correlati
Antisemitismo, l'incitamento razziale La deificazione della razza. Una disputa interna ebraica. Antisemitismus, Rassenhetze, Rassenvergottung. Eine innerjüdische Auseinandersetzung
Sì, noi ebrei comandiamo Hollywood ed anche i media, Wall Street ed il governo! - Who runs Hollywood ? C'mon
By: Saul Jay Singer
Probably the greatest chess player the world has ever seen, Fischer (1943-2008) was also known for his bizarre behavior and for his virulent anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism. An eccentric genius who assumed the status of Cold War hero when in 1972 he checkmated Soviet champion Boris Spassky in a historic showdown in Reykjavik, Iceland, he became the first – and, even to date, the only – American official world chess champion. In 1975 he failed to defend his title when he could not come to an agreement with the international chess federation over conditions for the match. He became a virtual recluse and did not again play competitive chess until his 1992 rematch with Spassky in Yugoslavia, then under a strict UN embargo, which led to a conflict with the American authorities.
It is beyond dispute that Bobby’s mother was Jewish; Fischer himself confirmed that in a 1962 interview with Harper’s Magazine. Nonetheless, he was steadfast in claiming he was not Jewish, even writing to the Encyclopedia Judaica (1984) to demand that it remove its biography on him because, among other things, he was never circumcised: “I suggest rather than fraudulently misrepresenting me to be a Jew…you try to promote your religion on its own merits – if indeed it has any.”
Recently released documents show that not only was Fischer’s mother Jewish, but that his biological father probably was as well – though his father had been thought to be Gerhardt Fischer, a non-Jewish German who may have assisted in the Nazi war effort, FBI documents strongly suggest that Bobby’s biological father was the Hungarian-Jewish physicist Paul Nemenyi, who contributed to the Manhattan Project.
A vehement Holocaust denier who argued that “Jewish parasites” invented the “Holocaust myth,” Fisher began his public campaign against Judaism and Zionism in the 1980s when he began distributing Institute for Historical Review revisionist pamphlets in front of the Los Angeles Public Library. He studied anti-Semitic classics such as Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and he became obsessed with German history and the Third Reich. He collected Nazi memorabilia, and a popular rumor had him sleeping every night with a picture of Hitler hanging over his bed.
Fischer’s anti-Semitic rants appeared to serve as the fundamental pillar of his worldview. He developed a straightforward narrative of a Jewish world conspiracy, and he used almost every interview question to launch into yet another diatribe about the global Jewish conspiracy directed against him and the need to exterminate all Jews. According to Fischer, the Jews are a “filthy, lying bastard people” bent on world domination who employ the mass murder of Christian children (“their blood is used for black-magic ceremonies”), and the United States is “a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew [expletive].” But his worst outburst may well have been during an interview just hours after the 9/11 attack: “This is all wonderful news. I applaud the act. The U.S. and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians for years. Now it’s coming back to the U.S.” Before concluding with “Death to America,” he expressed his expectation that all American synagogues would be closed and hundreds of thousands of Jews would be executed.
An incredible child protégé and a world chess champion, Boris Spassky (1937- ), best known for his “Match of the Century” loss in Reykjavík to Fischer, will always be inexorably tied to the latter. The contest, which took place at the height of the Cold War, was seen by many as symbolic of the political confrontation between the two superpowers. His loss to Fischer took an enormous toll; he keenly felt his nation’s disappointment, and most chess commentators agree that he never again achieved his pre-Fischer greatness.
Born to a Jewish mother (and therefore Jewish), Spassky was no friend of the Jews. He was among 5,000 Russians who signed a petition to the Russian state prosecutor to ban various Jewish organizations, in particular all religious and national groups acting on the principles of the Shulchan Aruch, which “foments religious hatred.” Backed with quotes from 19th century anti-Semitic literature, the petition branded Judaism as satanic, anti-Christian, and inhumane; accused Jews of “committing ritual murders;” and warned of a “hidden campaign of genocide against the Russian people and their traditional society and values.” Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom raised the issue of the petition when he met with Russian President Putin in May 2005, and the Russian government ultimately condemned it.
After facing severe criticism from figures in the chess world and religious leaders, Spassky – though he never denied signing the letter – sought to distance himself from the campaign by expressing meaningless platitudes about continuing to “fortify and unite the multinational kingdom of chess.” Evgeny Gik, a Russian chess master and writer who publicly condemned the petition in a Russian newspaper, stated that Spassky, the guest of honor at a dinner party, once remarked that “Everything is good in Russia, but I don’t know how the Russian people can have allowed so many big-nosed people into government.” According to Gik’s account, several grandmasters left the table in protest.
About the Author: Saul Jay Singer, a nationally recognized legal ethicist, serves as senior legal ethics counsel with the District of Columbia Bar. He is a collector of extraordinary original Judaica documents and letters, and his column appears in The Jewish Press every other week. Mr. Singer welcomes comments at saul.singer@verizon.net.
Our comments section is intended for meaningful responses and debates in a civilized manner. We ask that you respect the fact that we are a religious Jewish website and avoid inappropriate language at all cost.
If you promote any foreign religions, gods or messiahs, lies about Israel, anti-Semitism, or advocate violence (except against terrorists), your permission to comment may be revoked.
One Response to “Fischer And Spassky: Two Infamous Jewish Anti-Semites”
Mitchell Wachtel says:
December 27, 2014 at 1:57 AM
Fascinating. Perhaps Jewish Jew baiters are more severe because they need to distance Jews from themselves, which is impossible because they are Jewish. Hence, every mirror serves to remind them of the Jewish menace! That's also true of Gilad Atzmon, if you think about it.
It is beyond dispute that Bobby’s mother was Jewish; Fischer himself confirmed that in a 1962 interview with Harper’s Magazine. Nonetheless, he was steadfast in claiming he was not Jewish, even writing to the Encyclopedia Judaica (1984) to demand that it remove its biography on him because, among other things, he was never circumcised: “I suggest rather than fraudulently misrepresenting me to be a Jew…you try to promote your religion on its own merits – if indeed it has any.”
Recently released documents show that not only was Fischer’s mother Jewish, but that his biological father probably was as well – though his father had been thought to be Gerhardt Fischer, a non-Jewish German who may have assisted in the Nazi war effort, FBI documents strongly suggest that Bobby’s biological father was the Hungarian-Jewish physicist Paul Nemenyi, who contributed to the Manhattan Project.
A vehement Holocaust denier who argued that “Jewish parasites” invented the “Holocaust myth,” Fisher began his public campaign against Judaism and Zionism in the 1980s when he began distributing Institute for Historical Review revisionist pamphlets in front of the Los Angeles Public Library. He studied anti-Semitic classics such as Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and he became obsessed with German history and the Third Reich. He collected Nazi memorabilia, and a popular rumor had him sleeping every night with a picture of Hitler hanging over his bed.
Fischer’s anti-Semitic rants appeared to serve as the fundamental pillar of his worldview. He developed a straightforward narrative of a Jewish world conspiracy, and he used almost every interview question to launch into yet another diatribe about the global Jewish conspiracy directed against him and the need to exterminate all Jews. According to Fischer, the Jews are a “filthy, lying bastard people” bent on world domination who employ the mass murder of Christian children (“their blood is used for black-magic ceremonies”), and the United States is “a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew [expletive].” But his worst outburst may well have been during an interview just hours after the 9/11 attack: “This is all wonderful news. I applaud the act. The U.S. and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians for years. Now it’s coming back to the U.S.” Before concluding with “Death to America,” he expressed his expectation that all American synagogues would be closed and hundreds of thousands of Jews would be executed.
An incredible child protégé and a world chess champion, Boris Spassky (1937- ), best known for his “Match of the Century” loss in Reykjavík to Fischer, will always be inexorably tied to the latter. The contest, which took place at the height of the Cold War, was seen by many as symbolic of the political confrontation between the two superpowers. His loss to Fischer took an enormous toll; he keenly felt his nation’s disappointment, and most chess commentators agree that he never again achieved his pre-Fischer greatness.
Born to a Jewish mother (and therefore Jewish), Spassky was no friend of the Jews. He was among 5,000 Russians who signed a petition to the Russian state prosecutor to ban various Jewish organizations, in particular all religious and national groups acting on the principles of the Shulchan Aruch, which “foments religious hatred.” Backed with quotes from 19th century anti-Semitic literature, the petition branded Judaism as satanic, anti-Christian, and inhumane; accused Jews of “committing ritual murders;” and warned of a “hidden campaign of genocide against the Russian people and their traditional society and values.” Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom raised the issue of the petition when he met with Russian President Putin in May 2005, and the Russian government ultimately condemned it.
After facing severe criticism from figures in the chess world and religious leaders, Spassky – though he never denied signing the letter – sought to distance himself from the campaign by expressing meaningless platitudes about continuing to “fortify and unite the multinational kingdom of chess.” Evgeny Gik, a Russian chess master and writer who publicly condemned the petition in a Russian newspaper, stated that Spassky, the guest of honor at a dinner party, once remarked that “Everything is good in Russia, but I don’t know how the Russian people can have allowed so many big-nosed people into government.” According to Gik’s account, several grandmasters left the table in protest.
About the Author: Saul Jay Singer, a nationally recognized legal ethicist, serves as senior legal ethics counsel with the District of Columbia Bar. He is a collector of extraordinary original Judaica documents and letters, and his column appears in The Jewish Press every other week. Mr. Singer welcomes comments at saul.singer@verizon.net.
Our comments section is intended for meaningful responses and debates in a civilized manner. We ask that you respect the fact that we are a religious Jewish website and avoid inappropriate language at all cost.
If you promote any foreign religions, gods or messiahs, lies about Israel, anti-Semitism, or advocate violence (except against terrorists), your permission to comment may be revoked.
One Response to “Fischer And Spassky: Two Infamous Jewish Anti-Semites”
Mitchell Wachtel says:
December 27, 2014 at 1:57 AM
Fascinating. Perhaps Jewish Jew baiters are more severe because they need to distance Jews from themselves, which is impossible because they are Jewish. Hence, every mirror serves to remind them of the Jewish menace! That's also true of Gilad Atzmon, if you think about it.
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